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What is the wall thickness of the metal?

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Sometimes buyers are interested in the thickness of the pipe wall (metal thickness) from which the greenhouse frame is made, but they do not always understand how to measure this parameter, and often take the seller's word for it. It is useless to ask about this thickness by phone or at the sales office without measuring it yourself.

An example of a similar telephone conversation.


- Hello, how much is your frame pipe wall thickness?

The answer of the manager of the first company:

- 1.5 mm.


- Thank you bye.

Then the buyer calls the other company:

- Hello, how much is your frame pipe wall thickness?

The answer of the manager of the second company:

- 2 millimeters, we have a very strong pipe.


- Super - take me a greenhouse.

The buyer was misled during the consultation by both the first and second companies. From such thicknesses as 1.5 and 2 mm, in our experience, no one produces garden greenhouses. And it turns out that the Buyer bought where he was more deceived =). 99.9% of people will not be able to determine the thickness of the metal by eye. What was brought to them was brought to them. Many sellers sell greenhouses with a pipe wall thickness of 0.45-0.6 mm. This is very small, in fact – tin.

Metal wall thickness
Metal wall thickness

Attention! When buying or accepting, pay attention to the arcs of the greenhouse. Arcs made of thin metal are often uneven, with corrugation and creases. In frames made of such pipes, even roof screws do not hold, not to mention the strength of the frame itself.

Metal wall thickness
Metal wall thickness

Others save not only on the thickness of the metal wall, but also on the size of the pipe. For example, the 20x20 pipe is already being replaced with the «Armenian» size of 17x17. Our company does not engage in such manipulations. In the frames of our greenhouses, we use metal with a wall thickness from 0.9 mm to 1.2 mm, depending on the type of greenhouse and its elements.

If you want to buy a really strong, beautiful and carefully made greenhouse, contact the company «GREENHOUSE FACTORY» and ask the manager to recommend the model that does not require maintenance in winter.

Metal wall thickness
Metal wall thickness

We recommend purchasing greenhouses «Osnova», «Drop», greenhouses of the Rub series with Premium polycarbonate «HRT».

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