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Berries in a greenhouse

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We are used to the fact that cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers are most often grown in a greenhouse. What if we plant berries instead of our usual vegetables?

Thanks to the greenhouse, favorable conditions are created for plant growth and fruit ripening. The greenhouse protects against bird attacks, frosts and sudden temperature changes, strong winds and other adverse weather events. Moreover, it becomes easier to take care of berries than in open beds. For example, in the north, in the Vologda region, we managed to get a strawberry crop 1 month earlier in a greenhouse than in the open ground. The first harvest was already in May.

Girl with berries in the greenhouse
Girl with berries in the greenhouse

Strawberries - one of the most delicious berries, it is in demand among people of all ages: from children to adults.

When visiting our dacha, the first thing guests do is go to the greenhouse to eat fresh berries. After all, nothing tastes better than fragrant strawberries just plucked from the garden! And what delicious pancakes stuffed with fresh berries or strawberries with milk - a favorite delicacy from childhood!

Growing in a greenhouse allows you not only to get a harvest earlier than usual, but also to significantly extend the fruiting period until the fall itself, when it comes to remontant strawberry varieties.

Berries in the greenhouse
Berries in the greenhouse

Berries in the greenhouse usually grow much sweeter than in the open ground.

When it's late autumn or spring, and you have fresh, fragrant strawberries grown on your table, what could be better?

From berries, in addition to strawberries, the cultivation of blueberries gives very good results.

What unusual things do you grow in your greenhouse?

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