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Automatic window for a greenhouse made of polycarbonate. Where to buy, how does it work?

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Growing crops in greenhouses is a business that requires regular care and attention. To provide all the necessary comfortable conditions for yourself and for plants, we recommend that you provide light, watering, as well as convenient ventilation.

How does an automatic window pane work and why is it needed?

There are several types of vents:
- mechanical
- automatic

In most greenhouse models, mechanical vents are already standard in the doors. As practice shows, for greenhouses 3 meters wide and 4 and 6 meters long, these vents are usually enough, and they effectively ventilate the greenhouse, but you have to open such vents manually, and since not everyone has the opportunity to constantly be near the greenhouse and control situation, plants can often suffer from burns if you forget or do not have time to open them.

An excellent solution is to purchase a side top window. It must be automatic, and not with manual opening. The automatic air vent works based on the temperature regime. This is facilitated by the installation of an opening machine on it, consisting of equipment and a special small hydraulic cylinder filled with wax. When the temperature rises above +23 degrees, the wax begins to expand, push out the piston, and the window gradually opens. The maximum opening occurs at a temperature of +30 degrees Celsius.

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Such vents allow you to organize ventilation in the greenhouse even in the absence of a person on the site.

This will reduce the risk of loss - you will not burn anything. The probability of a good harvest will also become higher.

Consider, as an example, the greenhouse "Tudor 3x6", installed in central Russia. In this case, we recommend installing 2 automatic air vents. If you choose a longer length, then the recommended number of vents is from 3 or more.

It is best to place the vents diagonally from different sides so that ventilation passes through the entire greenhouse.

It is impossible to close and open the window with an installed machine for ventilation by hand with effort, it only works independently, depending on the temperature in the greenhouse.
It is not recommended to install the machine on a mechanical window in the greenhouse door.
When storing pistons before wintering, keep in mind that they should be stored on a shelf with enough space for the possible extension of the rod when the temperature rises.
You can order an automatic window or a separate automatic window opener here.

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