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Compriamo una serra in autunno, i vantaggi

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Most gardeners believe that a greenhouse should be purchased and installed in the spring, when there is a need for it. However, a competent gardener buys and installs a greenhouse in the fall.

Photos of greenhouses in autumn
Photos of greenhouses in autumn

Why? There are several reasons:

• Save your money. If you are waiting for spring to install a greenhouse, then a sharp increase in prices is possible in the spring period, as the construction season begins, and, as practice shows, prices for metal and polycarbonate grow, plus the product you choose is not always available in stock, so you have to wait. In autumn, on the contrary, there are good offers at «delicious» prices, as exhibition samples or warehouse leftovers are sold out.

• Prepared location. In the fall, you are almost ready to harvest, and you can prepare a place for a greenhouse, without fear of harming the surrounding beds. The land on the site is drier, there is no mud and water, as sometimes happens in spring. Installing a greenhouse in a dry area is much easier, faster and better.

* Early planting.Spring comes in different ways every year, and no meteorologist can make a 100% accurate weather forecast. It happens that the seedlings begin to outgrow, and it is not possible to plant them in the ground due to possible frosts. In a greenhouse with beds prepared from autumn, the ground warms up much faster. While your neighbors are waiting for favorable weather conditions to install a greenhouse and arrange beds, you will already have the opportunity to plant seedlings and grow greens for salads.

• Save time. In autumn, the workload of greenhouse sales companies is less. Therefore, you can choose any day that is convenient for you for delivery or installation. In spring, registration for delivery and installation begins in advance in winter. For example, everyone wants to install a greenhouse during the May holidays, and therefore, when you apply for a purchase just before these holidays, there is a possibility that the desired free places may not be available.

Straight-leaf greenhouse in the garden
Straight-leaf greenhouse in the garden

If you didn't have time to install the greenhouse in the fall, you can contact us in winter, reserve the necessary product and make an appointment in advance for spring delivery and installation.

Доброжилатель Александо

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