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The step of arcs in a polycarbonate greenhouse is 0.65 or 1 meter - which one to choose?

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The strength and durability of a greenhouse depends on several factors, including the distance between the arches (posts) of the frame. This distance is called the «arc step».

The arc pitch in the greenhouse is 0.65 m
The arc pitch in the greenhouse is 0.65 m

All other things being equal, the more often the arches are located at the frame, the more reliable it is and, accordingly, a polycarbonate greenhouse with such a frame will withstand heavy snow and wind loads. From our experience, we know that the optimal distance between the arcs for a polycarbonate greenhouse is a step of 0.65 m.

As practice shows, periodically winter in the northern and central regions of Russia is very snowy. Sometimes, to get to the dacha, you need to overcome snowdrifts up to your waist. Usually, a greenhouse with an arc pitch of 1 meter or more requires winter maintenance so that the frame does not break - you need to put supports under each arc or clean the snow cap. But even this does not always save the greenhouse from possible sagging and damage to the polycarbonate between the arches. The greater the distance between the arches (the span between the polycarbonate supports), the greater the probability of deflection and fracture of the polycarbonate.

Greenhouse boned polycarbonate
Greenhouse boned polycarbonate
Polycarbonate in the greenhouse buckled under the snow
Polycarbonate in the greenhouse buckled under the snow

Therefore, we recommend greenhouses with 65 cm increments.

As for the southern regions, greenhouses with a distance between arcs of 0.65 m are much more resistant to strong wind gusts, in contrast to a distance of 1 m or more. This is due not only to the reduction of the spans between the arcs, but also to the fact that the mounting points of polycarbonate in the greenhouse with a step of 0.65 m are larger, the polycarbonate is fixed more securely.

We recommend greenhouses with an arc spacing of 0.65 m, as they have proven themselves well both in the snowiest regions, such as Perm, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, and in regions with strong wind gusts, such as the Krasnodar Territory.

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