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Beds in a greenhouse. Comparison of materials and prices

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In order to work comfortably in the greenhouse, it is necessary to correctly and efficiently arrange the beds. Their design will give the greenhouse a well-groomed appearance, and when watering, weeding and other household chores, the soil will not lose its shape.Most often, gardeners make two beds on long sides, along the walls. Using the example of a 3x4 greenhouse, we will show you several options for beds made of different materials, calculate their cost for September 2021, and share our experience.

Galvanized beds

The most affordable way to design beds. They are easy to install, resistant to corrosion, but their appearance is quite ascetic.

Galvanized beds
Galvanized beds

The cost of galvanized borders for 2 beds is 80 €*

Cons: the maximum height is 17 cm, and for more comfortable work, we recommend beds higher. For example, with a bed height of 30 cm, you can take care of plants while sitting on a high chair.

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Warm beds of WPC (eurogriads)

3D texture gives the beds a modern and attractive appearance, WPC beds can be made at a height of 15 cm., 30 cm. and more. The material from which the beds are made does not rot, does not change its color over time. The beds are easy to install.

Warm beds of WPC (eurogriads)
Warm beds of WPC (eurogriads)

As a disadvantage of these beds, you can call the possible insufficient rigidity of the bed boards, and therefore it is necessary to additionally strengthen the sides of the beds.

The cost of 2 beds made of WPC with a size of 90x380 cm and a height of 15 cm is 395 €, and a height of 30 cm is 790 €*

More detailed information and prices here...

Steel beds

The best, most durable and easy-to-use beds, but also the most expensive. When caring for plants in the greenhouse, you can lean on them without fear of breaking the bed or injuring yourself on sharp edges. The beds do not deform over time and will last for many years.

Steel beds
Steel beds

The cost of 2 steel beds with a size of 90x380 cm and a height of 12 cm is 898 €, a height of 24 cm is 1,796 €, a height of 36 cm is 2,696 €*

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Having made out the beds, do not forget about the passage between them. We recommend making it 90 cm so that you can take care of plants sitting on a high chair or put buckets with a watering can. By installing wooden trapezes, there will be no puddles, dirt, dust on the path. You can even work in the greenhouse in slippers!

Wooden trapezoids
Wooden trapezoids

The cost of a 90x380 cm trapezoid impregnated with an antiseptic is 230 €, and a paint - coated one is 252 €*

More detailed information and prices here...

Competent arrangement in the greenhouse will provide you not only with comfortable work, but also increase productivity! Verified!

* - Prices are shown as of 01.09.2021

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