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Plastenici širine 4, 5 i 6 metara, zašto kupiti?

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Increasingly, customers are choosing greenhouses with widths of 4, 5 and 6 meters. What is the reason?

Of course, greenhouses of this type are mainly used for growing large plants, and the undoubted advantage of these greenhouses is a large height compared to standard garden greenhouses, and this, in turn, allows you to grow tall tomatoes, grapes and other crops in more comfortable conditions.

Thanks to the width of 4, 5 and 6 meters, you can arrange the beds in the greenhouse not compactly, but rather spacious. For example, make a large medium bed and wide aisles, or increase the number of beds in the greenhouse (more than 3 pieces).

Also in such greenhouses, you can install a table for working with seedlings, shelves for flowers and storage of garden tools.

In addition, these models are purchased for a swimming pool, where not only a bowl of water can be placed, but also a recreation area. The water in the pool will warm up much faster, and the polycarbonate coating will protect bathers from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and water from debris and foliage.

Greenhouses with a width of 4, 5 and 6 meters, why buy them?
Greenhouses with a width of 4, 5 and 6 meters, why buy them?
Swimming pool in the greenhouse
Swimming pool in the greenhouse

Often, such greenhouses are used as a household unit - for storing gardening equipment and various equipment. Or instead of a garage - for example, for storing ATVs, boats and boats.

Please note that you can order the greenhouse beds, shelves and table together with the greenhouse. It is possible to make changes to the design of the greenhouse itself. For example, install collar doors or sliding doors on the side of the greenhouse, make the doors wider, and so on. For more information, please call the phone numbers listed on our website, or in sales offices.

Петр Москвитин

Кстати, сейчас мы имеем возможность изготовить теплицы шириной 4, 5, 6 м и более из алюминия и стекла. Выглядят потрясающе. Сайт

Кстати, сейчас мы имеем возможность изготовить теплицы шириной 4, 5, 6 м и более из алюминия и стекла. Выглядят потрясающе. Сайт
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